On Tue, 23 Apr 2013 16:35:19 +0000, Pommier, Rex R. <rex.pomm...@cnasurety.com> 

>I read the original post differently, and my reading of it makes it sound like 
>if he just does the catalog search it comes back in a matter >of seconds, then 
>when he hits the "shift right" button to get the space info, that is when he 
>gets the horrendous response time.  I don't >think it is a catalog problem. 
>I.e., where Anthony says " If the Initial View is changed to 1. Volumes then 
>the performance is much the same." , he means that he >gets a 10 second 
>response time, then when he shifts right to get the space info, release 12 
>comes back in seconds and release 13 takes >20 minutes. 

Ah yes... "much the same" as what?  The original 10 seconds response time or 
the same
as when he didn't have the initial view set as "1 Volume".   Sort of an 
important point.  :-)

I guess I read it "my way" because the other answer seemed sort of obvious.  

Also, Tom's point about "Display Catalog Name" being selected or not is valid, 
I also was making the assumption (which very well could be wrong) that the OP
was making an apples to apples comparison.   IOW, the same option was selected 
z/OS 1.12 with different results.    I also didn't point out in my first post 
the comment
about "many being on tape or migrated data sets" - again, that would be a 
lookup only.

Finally, I also have a hard time accepting the claim at face value, just like I 
if an end user called me with the complaint.   Often they say they have changed
nothing (like the display catalog option for example), when in reality they had.

We'll have to wait for additional information / clarification from the OP.  

Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS       
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://www.mzelden.com/mvsutil.html 
Systems Programming expert at http://expertanswercenter.techtarget.com/

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