On 31/07/2023 9:36 am, Paul Gilmartin wrote:
It mimics the MVS tradition of overallocating datasets.  Aren't modern
filesystems virtual and dynamically extensible?
They do dynamicaly expand. It's not growing that's the problem though, it's shrinking - releasing space so that it can be used by another user.
Hmmm... Use RACF to enumerate hone directories in OMVS segments.  The
"hard" then is just the performance cost of so many automounts.

One of the claimed advantages of automount was that user filesystems could be migrated by HSM. Enumerating the users is fine if the filesystems are all instantly available. If you have a few thousand that need to be recalled from HSM...

Does HSM release unused space from the filesystem when it is migrated and recalled, or do you need enough DASD to allocate all the empty space in all the filesystems?

Andrew Rowley
Black Hill Software

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