Thank you, Matt. I'm humbled. I keep forgetting how long ago that was.

For context - this response was to a specific question regarding learning assembler. Basic assembler programming knowledge is a good thing to have on your resume, because it gives you the insights to how programs work on the platform.

A "cheap" way to learn some assembler basics is to turn on the LIST options for the COBOL, C/C++, PL/I, and FORTRAN compilers. You can see how language statements get converted to the machine instructions. It's very helpful in understanding how COBOL deals with MOVEs with mixed USAGE and computational verbs with different USAGE and PIC clauses.

On 2023-09-05 09:37, Matt Hogstrom wrote:
FWIW, I’ve known Ray for as long as I’ve been programming in Assembler.
Ray is the man.

You guys know who Ray Mullins is right?

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