Radoslaw Skorupka wrote

> Note: Dataset Encryption (DSE) is *not* a replacement for RACF or other 
> security system.
> It is a solution to keep data secret even if you have (unintended) access to 
> the dataset. Bad RACF authority? NO!
> It could be administrative access via STGADMIN, shared DASD, etc.

I think z/OS data set encryption is a solution for protecting z/OS data when it 
is accessed outside of its normal environment. That could be via specialised 
authorised programs (such as ADRDSSU), via other systems (when a volume is 
accessed by a z/OS system using a different RACF database), where a volume is 
accessed by another operating system (such as z/VM or Linux), where a data set 
backup is transported to another system entirely, or any other situation where 
the data is not under its normal RACF controls. 

Lennie Dymoke-Bradshaw
https: //rsclweb.com

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