
in the past I had to look at such a tricky because CICS write SMF with RLE
if requested and I had to uncompress data on a PC.

The compressed buffer must start with x'80' else it's not compressed with
RLE (so the first character must be x'80' and you have to analyze from the
second one for the real string).

The escape character should be (once again) x'80' and the maximum
length for the repeat-count  is one byte (max=255) .

I'm not sure at 100%, it was a long ago.

Hope this helps.

Best regards.


2013/6/11 Charles Mills <charl...@mcn.org>

> Is anyone familiar with the "internals" of CSRCESRV run-length compression?
> I am familiar with RLE schemes in general -- typically a run of n identical
> characters is replaced with something like <escape><n><character>. Does
> anyone know the specifics of z/OS's scheme? What is the escape character?
> How is <n> specified? Is it <escape><n><character> or
> <escape><character><n>. How do they handle occurrences of <escape> in the
> original data? (A typical scheme is <escape>1<escape>.)
> Thanks. I'm getting a 16 from CSRCESRV SERVICE=EXPAND and I am trying to
> debug. The data *is* compressed by CSRCESRV but I am obviously fouling
> something up.
> Charles
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