On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 4:10 AM, Mowry, Norma E CIV DISA ESB (US) <
norma.e.mowry....@mail.mil> wrote:

> We have a production job that is abending with S0C7 reason 00000007.  I
> set a slip to capture a dump but I can't seem to find the input record that
> is causing the S0C7 in this dump.  I also have a CEEDUMP but that's not
> real helpful in diagnosing the issue.  I looked a setting a slip with a
> trace but don't think that will do any good to get to the problem record.

This sounds like an application issue, not a systems issue.

If IPCS is available to the applications staff, put a //SYSMDUMP in the job.
If IPCS is not available, use //SYSUDUMP.
IF ABENDAID is available, it should do an excellent job of pinpointing the
point of failure as well as  showing records associated with open files.
If ABENDAID is available and not providing enough information add
//ABNLDUMP DD DUMMY and //SYSUDUMP to get both abend aid and sysudump

It will be useful to the application staff to have the following:
Compile listing with object code listed
Assembler listing
Binder maps if code is statically linked.

Is the I/O occurring in the program that gets the 0c7?  Or is the I/O in a
separate program that puts the record into working storage and the working
storage gets passed around.

If Modify location where I/O is done and create additional working storage
 The working storage shoudl be 8 bytes longer then the largest record.
 Initialize the first 8 bytes to a unique value: X'BEEFCAFEDEADBEEF'.
 After each I/O, copy the record to the new buffer + 8.  Once abend occurs,
search for unique identifier.

Good luck

> Norma Mowry
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