W dniu 2013-09-02 00:16, retired mainframer pisze:
:>: -----Original Message-----
:>: From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
:>: Behalf Of Costin Enache
:>: Sent: Sunday, September 01, 2013 12:04 PM
:>: Subject: Re: RACF Database protection
:>: Small
:>: clarification: The usage of password phrases instead of passwords does
:>: not
:>: increase the complexity of a brute-force attack against the encrypted
:>: hashes,
:>: in case the RACF DB gets compromised (flawed / insecure DES
:>: implementation).
:>: The time required for recovering a 16-byte password phrase is two times
:>: the time
:>: required for an eight-byte password, for a 24-byte phrase three times,
:>: etc.
:>: (the required time does not increase exponentially, as expected).

I must be missing something.  A brute force attack on a one byte password
must be prepared for 256 attempts.  The same attack on a two byte password
must be prepared for 65,536 attempts which is significantly more than the
512 you suggest.  How is the increase not exponential?
Of course, the theory you presented is still valid.
BTW, just to clarify: RACF password is NOT "8 byte password". Only subset of possible byte values is accepted (0-9, A-Z, @$#, lately a-z). Its (as I counted: 10+26+3+26) 65 values per character. So the password could be 65^8 = .318 644 812 890 625. This is simplification, I did not consider shorter passwords (which increases the base) and password rules (which decreases the base).

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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