What version of Cobol are you running now?

I would also look at the migration guides for z/OS V2.1 and COBOL

For cobol:    http://publibfp.boulder.ibm.com/epubs/pdf/c1473830.pdf

For z/OS V2.1:

Also, see if and when Marna Walle provides a migration presentation for

And there are many system libraries that are PDS/E datasets.  JES2 has some,
as well as other products. So you are running PDS/Es at this time.  So long
as you keep your PDS/E maint up to date, you should not have issues.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On
Behalf Of Thomas Berg
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 2:54 AM
Subject: z/OS 2.1 and tools like COBOL 5.1, Fault Analyzer, Debug Tool, etc.

We are going to eventually install 2.1 in the future.
Besides the OS we have to decide how handle the new COBOL 5.1 and it's
dependencies towards Fault Analyzer, Debug Tool and other productivity
tools.  E g which version/release is required for a certain product to work
with another product.
And can we upgrade to the latest version of e g Fault Analyzer (that
otherwise comes with 2.1) at our z/OS 1.13 and get it working ?  As a way to
take possible problems in advance of the install of 2.1.

With COBOL 5.1, AFAIK, comes also the requirement of the loadlibraries to be
PDSE.  Which we DON'T have today, neither in production or test systems.

Do anyone have experiences of these (potential) problems ?  Can you let me
take part of them I would be grateful!

I understand that some at this list have installed and run z/OS 2.1, but
have you used COBOL or the other tools ?

Med Vänlig Hälsning
Thomas Berg
Thomas Berg   Specialist   zOS\RQM\IT Delivery   SWEDBANK AB (Publ)

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