
I will talk with someone at a vendor site that may be able to do something 
close to this.  May I ask for other input from anyone else that sees value in 


Mirch McCluhan,
Legacy Modernization Consultant 


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, Jan 3, 2014 1:42 am
Subject: Literate JCL?

We had a discussion on changes we would like to see in JCL. Well, I am
wondering if perhaps what should be embraced in a variation of Knuth's
"Literate Programming" in which the program source is actually embedded in
the documentation. I am wondering if some JCL documentation company might
consider this to be something as a possibility for a product. This would
combine and centralize the maintenance of the JCL with the documentation
for the job.

Combining this with the DCF thread, how about something like DCF's GML
which could be run through some program. One DD would output the JCL, such
as could be sent to the internal reader. Another DD would contain formatted
text, such as AFP or PDF output. Might even be nice if this vendor program
could be written so that a scheduler program, such as CA-7, could use it as
a "preprocessor" for jobs that it submits. This would be so that the CA-7
JCL library would contain the "Literate JCL" and be able to "directly"
submit it. Of course, said vendor product should also be able to do a JCL
syntax scan to detect syntactic JCL errors.

Just a wacked out thought for the new year.


This is clearly another case of too many mad scientists, and not enough

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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