On 9 January 2014 20:39, Scott Ford <scott_j_f...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> We send a data message from a pc, we encrypt it with AES128 , the message is 
> received at the host (z/OS) decrypted then converted from ascii to ebcdic..so 
> I am trying to figure out how to
> Determine what codepage the pc uses and have z/OS convert it to the proper 
> EBCDIC codepage from ASCII.  Does that help ?

I'm not sure how your question relates to UNICODE. If the data on the
PC (Windows, I assume) is in some encoding of UNICODE, then code pages
don't really come into play. Any version of Windows can (in theory)
use any UNICODE character, regardless of the country or language of
installation. So there will be no difference between the way a US
English Windows box encodes, say the dollar sign character and the way
a French French one does. The UNICODE code point for dollar sign is
U+0024, and that's that. But you also mention ASCII, which (loosely)
is an 8-bit encoding. (Usually ASCII these days really means some
single-byte code page such as ISO 8859-n or one of the Windows ones
such as 1242.)

There is no general way to convert UNICODE into EBCDIC, because no IBM
EBCDIC code pages encodes all UNICODE characters. And if you are
talking about single byte EBCDIC code pages such as 037 or 1047, IBM's
generally encode 192 characters, vs tens of thousands in UNICODE.

If your PC data is in "ASCII", i.e. single byte encoding, then you
have to both determine the code page in use on the PC, and the one in
use on your z/OS, and then use the appropriate mapping. Such a mapping
may not exist. For example, if your PC is using a Polish code page,
and your z/OS a Western European one such as 1047, there are
characters in each that just aren't in the other. Something will break
- generally someone's name will be misspelled, or worse.

Maybe you can give a short example of what data you have at each end,
and what you want to happen to it.

Tony H.

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