On Wed, 19 Feb 2014 12:29:42 -0500, Tony Harminc wrote:

>In my circles the term "core" survived for quite a long time after the
>introduction of the first 370 models with non magnetic-core storage

Third-party semiconductor memory was available for 360 models by the mid 1970s. 
At the university (Wayne State in Detroit) we purchased several boxes of 
memory for the model 67. They were about 2 x 2 feet and 5 feet tall. They 
contained 256K per box at a price of $250,000.  One box was destroyed when the 
driver who delivered it pushed it onto the lift gate on the truck and it kept 
on rolling 
right off the back, landing on its side in the street. There was no loading 

Tom Marchant

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