On 21 February 2014 11:37, Chase, John <jch...@ussco.com> wrote:
> Browsing the dumped storage around the program's load address (x'00007000') I 
> see:
>          Event 1 CSECT DBR915B0 GPR 15 (Address 00007000)
> 00007000            80ECD00C                            *..}.            *
> --------------------^^^^^^^^
> WTF???
> In the program source the first instruction is:
>          USING *,R15
>          STM   R14,R12,12(R13)
> But STM's opcode is x'90', not x'80'.  X'80' is SSM (Set System Mask), which 
> is a(nother) privileged instruction.

And one that the program could not have survived executing; it is not
only privileged, but in most cases you will encounter on z/OS will
produce a special operation exception if your program *is* in
supervisor state.

So, assuming this is the entry point of the program, that is, the
first instruction to be executed and not only the first one physically
in the module, it seems very likely that this instruction was modified
after some part of the program had already executed.

> So, it appears that for some as-yet undetermined reason, this program (to the 
> exclusion of all others) IFF loaded from a PDSE has its first instruction 
> changed somehow from STM to SSM.  Can you say "That's absurd!"?

That's absurd!. But I can also say as above that it's unlikely it was
loaded that way.

Tony H.

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