John Gilmore wrote:

>Every American who has been in  the military has perforce mastered and used 
>the 24-hour clock.  Adopt it for your report, explaining what it is in an 
>attached text note for the first 15 days for which it is used.

Thats what I use for all my RACF reports. 24 hour instead of that lame 12 hours 
with AM/PM junk.

>Dump it, and tough out the complaints you will hear.  They will subside 
>quickly, and you will be surprised to discover that you have many allies.


Also, they wanted me to make my reports showing mm/dd/yyyy using the stupid 
convention here in South Africa. I simply kept them at yyyy/mm/dd. 

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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