On 13 March 2014 11:08, Donald Russell <russell....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I've been using WTO ROUTCDE=11 to display various message in the job log
>> of assembler language batch applications.... that's great/easy for fixed
>> text messages.
>> VM/CMS has the APPLMSG macro which makes it ridiculously simple to build
>> in storage, or display messages with various types of substitutions...
>> I would like to display a message like:
>> Records read: xxxx Items found: yyyy  Hit rate: zzz%
>> Where the value for x,y and z come from registers or fields.
>> Of course I can do it myself with CVD/EDMK etc, but this seems like such a
>> common sort of thing, I hoping there's a macro to do that stuff for me.
>> Even if the macro builds the message in  storage, then I can use WTO
>> ROUTCDE=11 pointing to the text result.

How about the C library sprintf function? If you use the Metal C
version, it can probably be called from assembler in a non-LE
environment. It does require a "stack" (R13 save area) of around 4KB,

Tony H.

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