Sounds weird to me. Have you tried simply starting TN3270 "by hand"? E.g.
enter "S TN3270" (or whatever you call if it not TN3270) on a z/OS operator
console. If you don't have any operator consoles, perhaps you could use the
HMC "operating system messages" function. I use it all the time to IPL from

VTAM is a prerequisite to starting up the TSO started task. Which is what
does the TSO logon set up. The TN3270 server simply allows connection from
a system (usually a desktop) using a TN3270 emulator via the TCPIP protocol
to _VTAM_; not just connect to TSO, but also CICS, CA-7, TWS, and others.

Also, if VTAM is up _and_ you have a cross domain set up from the "broken"
z/OS to at least one other z/OS, then you should be able to log on to the
"broken" z/OS system by first connecting TN3720 to one of the systems which
is "not broken". On the VTAM logon screen (sometimes called the MSG10
screen), you should be able to then log on "cross domain" to the "broken"
z/OS system. Unfortunately, since I don't know your systems, I have _no_
idea how to tell you do this beyond this vague help. On our VTAM screen, we
actually have the value(s) to enter in order to log on to other z/OS
systems. Oh, at our shop, the TSOs are called TSO8 and TSO9. So if SY8 has
a TN3270 problem, I can connect to SY9 and on that system's initial screen
enter the command: LOGON APPLID(TSO8)
This causes VTAM on SY9 to send a logon request to VTAM on SY8 which then
logs me on to TSO on SY8, even though the terminal is actually connected to
SY9. Our VTAM cross domain is implemented by connecting the z/OS systems
together using CTC devices (well, sort of pseudo-devices which no physical
hardware is involved, just a cable between two CHPs on the box).

Last, and least, would be if you actually have a local non-SNA 3270
ability. This could be via something like a Visara controller or an OSA-ICC
connection. These are normally used for z/OS consoles, but they
theoritically can be used for TSO. But ONLY IF VTAM IS SET UP PROPERLY to
do this. Again, since I don't know your systems, I don't know if you can do
this sort of thing. Being a old timer, I have set up in VTAM already "just
in case".


I really think the first paragraph should work for you. On the rare
occasion when somebody messed up my automated IPL, I end up IPL'ing and
starting up everything "by hand". I have this documented, but since I set
up it, I can usually remember exactly what to do.

Just to mention, you can also due TSO like work using RD/z and ZOSMF, if
you have either of those products running.

Well, it is a bit at 23:00 locally and I am turning in. Hope I was of at
least some help.

On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 9:59 PM, baby eklavya <>wrote:

> Hello all ,
> We are running z/os 1.11  and had a strange issue on one of our systems
> today . Our shop is a sysplex of 4 LPARS . Today after IPL , In one of the
> LPARS which came up last , TCPIP started fine ,but OPSMVS didn't mark it up
> and several other dependent tasks were waiting . The surprising thing to me
> which happened was TN3270 was never started ,but TSO was up and I was able
> to logon to the system . The other 3 LPARS were fully functional with all
> the tasks up as expected . But the last system which came up had this
> problem
> I always thought that TN3270 was pre-requisite for anybody to logon via TSO
> , Am i missing something here ? Can somebody clarify my doubt please ?
> Regards,
> Baby
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Wasn't there something about a PASCAL programmer knowing the value of
everything and the Wirth of nothing?

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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