On 24 March 2014 08:11, Paul Gilmartin <paulgboul...@aim.com> wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Mar 2014 20:12:49 -0400, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.) wrote:
>>I''m not asking a question; I'm pointing out a false analogy. "TCP/IP,
>>in contrast, is blessedly tolerant." makes no sense.
>>I'm asking in what sense TCP/IP is more tolerant than SNA. It's
>>certainly not in the ability to run multiple applications on the same
>>host, since SNA does that as well as TCP/IP does.
> I can use FTP (a TCP/IP protocol) to submit jobs to localhost.  I
> do not need multiple TCP/IP stacks to do this; only a conventional
> TCP/IP configuration.  Generally, TCP/IP-based protocols such as
> FTP, HTTP, SSH, ... can communicate with localhost with no
> special configuration. The discussion here indicates that to use
> NJE to submit jobs or otherwise communicate with the local host
> requires some unusual configuration such as multiple instances
> of JES or multiple instances of NJE.  So, I perceive TCP/IP as
> more tolerant; it has no bias against the local host.

Nonetheless the analogy fails. NJE is a protocol (and loosely, an
implementation of the protocol) that uses an underlying transport
layer of SNA or TCP (or originally and perhaps long gone, BSC, which
predates most notions of layering along the lines of TCP/IP, OSI, and
so on). There is no reason to expect all users of a transport layer to
implement the same functionality. In the cases of FTP and Telnet,
there is notionally always a client and a server, and certainly a
client on one system can connect to and meaningfully use the services
of a server on the same system.

In the case of NJE, each endpoint is a "node". (Poor choice of word,
perhaps, but we're not here talking of graph theory or CS trees, and
one can even argue there are leaves in NJE, though they're not called

Each node both provides services and acts as a client to other nodes,
and there are well defined rules for the routing and transmission of
units of work (jobs, sysout, etc.) from one node to another, possibly
via intermediate nodes. It is not a deficiency or lack of generality
that a node is not willing to talk to itself as though it were another
node, any more than is the refusal of a web server to talk to other
web servers, or Telnet clients to other Telnet clients. To allow this
-- to some unclear end -- routing rules would have to be changed to
avoid loops, and the system as a whole would surely be allowed to
optimize out the unnecessary sending of a UW from a node to itself, as
it does today when you use e.g. /*ROUTE XEQ <localnode>.

There's another view of all this. Historically, although as Lynn
Wheeler has pointed out innumerable times the JES2 implementation of
NJE had a fuzzy mix of routing and transmission protocols with SPOOL
related matters, one can think of NJE as a routing scheme using BSC as
the link layer, with the routable units being spooled units of work.
In the early days of NJE, Vnet, Bitnet, and smaller intra-company
networks, it was entirely normal for units of work to be routed
through multiple nodes on the way to their destination. In this model,
the NJE nodes were analogous to today's IP routers, with the services
(printing, job execution, etc.) provided at a leaf, implemented on a
node and unfortunately to some extent integrated into the same code
that provided the routing. Indeed the larger networks (Vnet, Bitnet)
had a number of routing-only nodes and what we would today calle
firewalls or gateways that provided no local services at all.

Tony H.

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