On 6/27/2014 5:44 AM, Buckton, T. (Theo) wrote:
Hi There,

Which process determines the profile of a member in a PDSE (Library) data set.

Better question: "What determines the profile ..."; there is no 'process'.

There are some default profiles provided with the system. Generally,
the low level qualifier of the dataset name (sequential, PDS, PDSE)
is chosen as the profile name. If this name is not known, the general
default profile attributes are copied to the profile and when you
exit from edit, the new profile is saved.

You can change the attributes of the current profile by issuing commands, usually the same as the attribute names, e.g.:

==> number off
==> num off

==> recovery on
==> rec on

and so on. If the profile is unlocked, when you exit the edit, the
new attributes for this profile are saved. If the profile is locked,
first issue

==> profile unlock

and go on from there.

Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock

When one browses the PDSE, views the member and enter PROFILE on the command 
line of the member, it brings up some attributes. How are these attributes 


....DECKS (FIXED - 80)....RECOVERY OFF WARN....NUMBER OFF...............
....CAPS ON....HEX OFF....NULLS ON STD....TABS OFF......................
....PROFILE UNLOCK....IMACRO NONE....PACK OFF....NOTE ON................
....HILITE OFF CURSOR FIND..............................................

Theo Buckton

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