On 10/21/2014 5:18 PM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:
I have allocated a data set with:

           //  DISP=(MOD,CATLG),SPACE=(10000,(100,100))

Now, I'd like to update it with:

           //  DISP=SHR,SPACE=(,,RLSE)

Hmmm. Maybe SPACE=(,(,),RLSE) ?? Just a guess.

I get a message on missing positional parameter.  I'd prefer not
to override the original SPACE options.  Must I override, merely
to add RLSE?

Hmmm.  In:

     z/OS MVS JCL Reference

I see:

            ({CYL,}            [,          ]             [,    ][,MXIG  ]
            ({blklgth,}                                         [,ALX   ]
            ({reclgth,}                                         [,      ]

Is there a misplaced '(' there?  I'm used to coding "SPACE=(TRK,pri,(sec,dir))"
but that seems to say it should be "SPACE=(TRK,(pri,sec,dir))".  Is that right?

Yes, the latter is correct.

-Steve Comstock

And the optional "[...]" don't seem to be nested right.

Could be a fun RCF.  I hope they don't just say, "Ignore the diagram; rely on
the prose."

-- gil

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