John McKown wrote:

>Tony's Basement Computer wrote:
>> DoS, revoke all the non-Special and non-Protected users.

True. That concern was raised on RACF-L.

>​Hum, this sounds like a job for an IDS package. Perhaps something which would 
>dynamically update the z/OS firewall so that when an ID is revoked due to 
>password limit exceeded _and_​

>​all the tries were from a specific IP address (perhaps tied to one or more LU 
>names), then do a "deny all" in the firewall to any attempt for that IP to 
>connect to the system.

Not if that IP address is NATted, ie shared by a VPN. We have some user groups 
who are using a shared IP address (NATted) on some router.

... then things are getting interesting ... (trying to get the co-operation of 
the owner of that router hosting that NATted address to resolve that errant 
logon attempt)

>Too bad, IMO, the z/OS firewall is _nowhere_ near as easy to use as my Linux 

True. Hmmm, will IBM hear you?

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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