Mike Wawiorko wrote:

>Logon to TSO is an SNA session and not a (direct) IP connection. It may or may 
>not be from a tn3270 connection. If it is tn3270 the IP connection may well be 
>to another system and via a multi-session tool like TPX, Supersession, Tubes, 
>Multsess etc. where is the IP address and on which system? 

I know. Thanks for highlighting this.
>As well as NAT many sites have a thin client with tn3270 on Citrix. Makes any 
>attempt to deal with DoS or userid/password misuse on the TSO system by 
>blocking an IP address futile and probably likely to block genuine users in 
>many configurations. 

Indeed. This is why I said things can get *interesting* ...

And it is not only TSO, but also with DoS attack with scripted FTP jobs...

We got a victim who used a machine infected with a keystroke device. That 
victim could not use his usual id, since that will get repeately revoked via a 
hidden FTP script. They resolved it by formatting the PC and destroyed that 

Groete / Greetings
Elardus Engelbrecht

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