(Charles Mills) writes:
> I am not certain that "MVS exposures" versus "lax security" is a black and
> white dichotomy. It's easy to look after the fact at any breach and say
> "aha! You should not have done X." I don't think the role of we security
> practitioners is solely pointing out "exposures" in MVS to IBM. I think
> helping customers with common less-than-ideal practices is more important.
> Logica was a professional service bureau with a professionally-maintained
> z/OS. They got breached. One might infer that other MVS sites, and not just
> those with "lax" (however defined) security practices, might also be
> vulnerable.

long ago and far away we were brought in as consultants to small
client/server startup that wanted to do payment transactions on their
server; they had also invented this technology they called SSL that they
wanted to use, the result is now frequently called e-commerce.

early experience found that RDBMS-based ecommerce servers had more
frequent exploits than flat-file based ecommerce servers ... these
weren't intrinsic to the environment ... it was that RDBMS-based
ecommerce servers were a lot more complicated ... and as a result people
were more prone to making mistakes resulting in exploits (there is some
amount of security literature about "exploits proportional to
complexity", which is a counter to the periodic meme of "security
through obscurity").

much more recently there have been some SQL-specific attacks

which claims that they can attack any type of SQL database (although a
case might be made that SQL-injection is another characteristic of
RDBMS/SQL being more complex).

disclaimer: I periodically have stressed KISS as a major security theme.

virtualization experience starting Jan1968, online at home since Mar1970

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