On Tue, 17 Mar 2015 08:40:51 -0500, John McKown <john.archie.mck...@gmail.com> 

>On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 8:18 AM, Shmuel Metz (Seymour J.)
><shmuel+ibm-m...@patriot.net> wrote:
>> In <5c91d5e7-95b6-439d-87a7-111003a2f...@comcast.net>, on 03/16/2015
>>    at 10:52 PM, Ed Gould <edgould1...@comcast.net> said:
>>>Legally "no" but it can be done .
>> You can, legally, turn APF off and later turn it off. It should be
>> done the way porcupines make love: very carefully.
>IMO, it would be easier to just use ATTACHX with the JSCB= pointing to
>a copy of the current task's JSCB with the APF bit flipped off. Of
>course, the copy really needs to be in subpool 253 (key 0, below the
>line). The OP might even want a TASKLIB= if he wants to do a DYNALLOC
>to specify the DSNs to be searched, perhaps given in a configuration
>file of some sort. OK, likely overkill in this case. Another
>interesting parameter might be  SZERO=NO to not share subpool zero to
>avoid "memory leaks" if, as I have seen, the ATTACH'd program doesn't
>bother to clean up all its memory because "the system will do that
>automatically". I've especially noticed this in the past because CLOSE
>didn't always free the I/O buffers when a DCB was closed.

That still doesn't protect that APF-authorized program's key 8 storage from 
tampering by the non-authorized program. In other words, all that effort still 
leaves a major integrity hole open. Sharing your APF-authorized environment 
with untrusted code is _not_ simple, and even a complex implementation may not 
make it truly safe.


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