Dear Emulator Specialists,

  My Square Brackets disappeared and my Java won't compile.  I am using 
Attachmate Reflections for IBM 14.1.422 SP3.  I changed from US ENGLISH (037) 
to US ENGLISH (1140 Euro) to get my Square Brackets.  IBM says I need EBCDIC 
IBM-1047.  I also went into Setup > View Settings > C/370 Character Set and set 
it from NO to YES.  I can get Square Brackets to display w/US ENGLISH (1140 
Euro), but I can't get Java to compile it.

"C is another problem child. It uses funky characters like the square brackets 
'[]', curly brackets '{}' and broken vertical bar '|'. These move around (or 
disappear) depending on your code page. But with C there's another catch: it's 
designed to use EBCDIC 1047, not EBCDIC 0037."

"So why is C designed for EBCDIC 1047? Because z/OS Unix Systems Services (USS) 
is also designed for it."

"When IBM created USS for z/OS, it makes sense that it had to work in EBCDIC. 
The POSIX standard for UNIX doesn't require the use of ASCII, and z/OS is an 
EBCDIC operating system. IBM really didn't have a choice."

"The problem is that UNIX, and its core programming language C, rely on 
characters that don't exist in some EBCDIC codepages. EBCDIC 1047 is designed 
to include all the characters USS needs - effectively all the characters from 
Extended ASCII: ISO8859-1. So EBCDIC 1047 is the default EBCDIC codepage used 
in USS. All parameter and help files are usually supplied in EBCDIC 1047, the C 
compiler expects code in EBCDIC 1047, and all UNIX file contents default to 
EBCDIC 1047. If you decide to use something else, they may look a little funny."

   I have been working with IBM to figure out why my Java won't compile.  They 
said "Double Check your code page to see it is indeed codepage 1047 (mine 
wasn't), and make sure your Square Brackets are x'AD' and x'BD' (mine were not, 
but they did display brackets with US ENGLISH 1140 Euro).  I am not able to 
select EBCDIC IBM-1047 with my emulator.

Q).  Can anyone suggest a vendor who's tn3270 solution includes EBCDIC 
IBM-1047?  When I look at the Web pages I see they support IBM 3270 TCP & SNA, 
but I don't get much for details on the codepages supported.

  The other solution could be just to telnet directly to USS and use VT100.  I 
have heard of people doing this.  Any suggestions?  Probably need a VT100 

      Thank you,  Dave

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