I stand corrected! Thanks Timothy.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [mailto:IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf 
Of Timothy Sipples
Sent: Friday, 25 September 2015 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: OS/390 hard wait

Anthony Thompson wrote:
>The earliest version of MVS (sic) that is advertised to support
>ARCHLVL=2 is z/OS 1.6

A correction: z/OS 1.6 was the first release of z/OS to *require* ARCHLVL 2 
(i.e. z/Architecture and 64-bit). OS/390 2.10 through z/OS 1.5 (inclusive) were 
bimodal and advertised as such.

My recollection is that OS/390 2.10 did not originally ship in bimodal form at 
its General Availability -- or at the very least OS/390 2.10 wasn't
*initially* advertised as bimodal. OS/390 2.10 was announced on May 16, 2000, 
several months before IBM announced the z900 on October 3, 2000.
Perhaps that helps answer Tony Thigpen's question. Maybe his customer just 
skipped applying at least some ARCHLVL 2-related updates to their OS/390
2.10 installation.

However, even with all such updates in place it still might not matter on a 
z10. The newest IBM model that supported OS/390 2.10 was the IBM z890 according 
to this table:


z/VM 6.3 never supported the z890 -- z/VM Version 6 requires a z10 or higher -- 
and thus also never supported OS/390 2.10 as a guest. So if
OS/390 2.10 runs in z/VM 6.3 on a z10 it's accidentally fortuitous, or 
fortuitously accidental, even with the final and complete set of OS/390
2.10 updates in the mix.

Timothy Sipples
IT Architect Executive, Industry Solutions, IBM z Systems, AP/GCG/MEA
E-Mail: sipp...@sg.ibm.com

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