On Fri, 29 Jan 2016 10:17:40 -0800, Skip Robinson wrote:

>We ran an inherited ISAM application in the 80s, a true dog. Then we learned
>of a VSAM conversion aid that was at the time built in to whatever then
>passed for DFSMS. It was magical. Simply convert files from ISAM to VSAM and
>point the application to them. The system automatically transformed all ISAM
>I/O operations to VSAM and returned data to the application as it expected.
>Absolutely no changes to the application. The result was breath taking.
>I'd be curious to know if that conversion aid is still delivered with z/OS.

There are still plenty of references to "ISAM compatibility interface" and 
"ISAM interface" in the z/OS 2.2 manuals.

Tom Marchant

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