I don't see the previous message I sent, so (just in case) I'll try

John McKown wrote:
>What "bothers" me is the lack of JSON PARSE to go with the JSON GENERATE.

Don't worry: it's already here!

IBM started shipping the z/OS Client Web Enablement Toolkit's JSON parser
approximately one year ago, as I recall. If you have z/OS Version 2.2 you
already have it, and if you have z/OS Version 2.1 you can get it (if you
don't already have it) as part of the service stream. In other words, IBM's
JSON parser is now a base part of the z/OS operating system. You should
already have high performance (with zIIP exploitation), full function,
fully supported JSON parsing in z/OS for all programming languages,
including COBOL, at no additional charge. Just start using it.

The toolkit also includes HTTP/HTTPS support, but if you only need JSON
parsing in your COBOL programs or in other languages, that's perfectly
fine, too. This parser is the JSON analog to z/OS XML System Services. It's
quite well documented in the IBM Knowledge Center for z/OS 2.2, and Steve
Warren presented an excellent session at SHARE 2015. His presentation is
available from SHARE.org (session #17791). IBM also provides sample
programs, yes including COBOL -- the Knowledge Center explains all that.

Did you miss the announcement and shipment of this toolkit, perhaps? I
recall there was some discussion about the new JSON parser in this forum,
but there's so much great new stuff coming so quickly that it might be easy
to forget.

Timothy Sipples
IT Architect Executive, Industry Solutions, IBM z Systems, AP/GCG/MEA
E-Mail: sipp...@sg.ibm.com

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