On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 6:49 PM, Charles Mills <charl...@mcn.org> wrote:

> Yeah, I know, there's an assembler listserve and this isn't it. I'm not on
> it and I think most of its members are also here. This IS a mainframe
> question ...
> Yeah, I could test the basic issues but I am wondering if anyone is doing
> this extensively and "happy with it." What are the gotchas? Those are tough
> questions to answer via experimentation.
> Is anyone using HFS files as their main repository of source code input to
> and/or object code output from HLASM? The HLASM manuals are strangely
> silent
> on the issues:
> - Is the assembler "happy" with serial UNIX file type input, with records
> of
> varying lengths up to but not exceeding 80?
> - How about SYSLIB? I know technically a USS directory can satisfy BPAM --
> is HLASM happy with directories as libraries? Does it work if you
> concatenate your own HFS directory(ies) to SYS1.MACLIB and the like?
> - How about output? Does SYSLIN output to a USS folder seem to work out?
> Why do I ask? I have C code in HFS and assembler code in PDSEs and the
> "management" details are a little incompatible. Not hopelessly so, but
> somewhat. It might make sense to consolidate the high level structure.
> Thanks,
> Charles

​Yes. I did an entire project (for myself, not work) using z/OS UNIX as the
repository for the files, both SYSIN and SYSLIB (the latter is a bit
weird). I also used the "as" UNIX command to do my assemblies. Which were
driven using the UNIX "make" command. One thing which made this much easier
was FLOWASM ( ftp://ftp.phoenixsoftware.com/pub/demo/asmmods.xmi ), ref:
http://planetmvs.com/hlasm/tips.html . FLOWASM​

​is an HLASM user exit program for reading the SYSIN & SYSLIB​. It makes
HLASM "free format". Quite nice! This was a case of "eating your own dog
food" because I was developing some UNIX utilities.

If you're curious, these are available on the CBTTape.org site, in file
#864 http://cbttape.org/cbtdowns.htm

Heisenberg may have been here.

Unicode: http://xkcd.com/1726/

Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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