On Thu, 5 Jan 2017 21:13:48 +0700, Robin Atwood <abend...@gmail.com> wrote:

>The JCL is not relevant, both applications are servers that use dynamic 
>allocation. They are using SAPI to read the JES spool. The >message is
>The spool data set is allocated to SYS00002. I am really interested in advice 
>about reading VS data sets, what access method to use, >etc.

What makes you think the data on spool is VS in format? That seems to me to be 
an unusual record format for someone to use writing spool data. Perhaps the 
error is that the program issuing the OPEN to try to read it is saying RECFM=VS 
when it's really just V?

(Note, too, that there are two other potential program errors: specifying 
RECFM=D, or specifying both ANSI and Machine control characters. But all of 
these really seem to indicate an error in the program, and I'd say that the 
program author needs to examine the dump and figure it out.)


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