Hello All,

Finally I have good news. Today we performed below steps.

1) I changed my message class z out disp parameter to write,write and then
run spin command but still no oputut saved in output queue.

2) I restarted IMS address space and before running spin command against
jesmsglg dd, I verified that my stc class outdisp is set to write,write .
Now, when I run spin command, I get record in output queue with destination
local and this is what we were looking for u .

But this whole excersice make me to conclude that

a) any running address space will not accept new value of outdisp parameter
on stc class( or any other class) using dynamic command $t .
So, we will have to recycle address space to take this effect. This dynamic
command is only useful for new address space we start after we change
parameter using $t.

b) when we use spin command with jes dd like jesmsglg etc, we will not get
successful completion message on console .

3) do we have any way to make this process successful without recycle of
address space .

Thank you so much for all help .

On 10-May-2017 11:48 PM, "Lizette Koehler" <stars...@mindspring.com> wrote:

> NOTE:  JES2 has a counter in the JCT.  Even if output is spun, it will not
> reduce that counter by what is spun.  The counter will continue to
> increase.  And it can increase until, the number of lines, exceeds what
> JES2 knows that should be produced which can cause a task to abend with a
> S722 abend.  No way around that other than cycling the tasks.
> I currently have a task that is prone to S722 abends.  It is an STC and it
> is now being cycled monthly to prevent an unexpected S722 abend.
> Spin - to copy/route the information in a SYSOUT DD statement to the
> OUTPUT class specified by the SYSOUT statement.
> If your JES2 INITDECK says
> You have
> //DDlabel  DD SYSOUT=A
> Then the DDlabel:  $Txxxxxx,SPIN,DDNAME=DDlabel
> The output will show up in the HELD Class A queue.   So the H Panel in SDSF
> If you have coded in the JES2 INITDECK
> And you have
> //DDLabel  DD SYSOUT=A
> The output will show up in the OUTPUT CLASS A.  So the O Panel in SDSF
> Note:  If you do not CODE FREE=CLOSE,SPIN=UNALLOC     You will NOT see the
> output
> The SPIN will not be available until TASK end.
> The ST panel in SDSF can see everything available on Spool.
> NOTE SYSOUT=* in a started task defaults the the STC definition in JES2.
> Spin data set processing
> z/OS JES2 Initialization and Tuning Guide
> SA32-0991-00
> Coding FREE=CLOSE or SPIN=UNALLOC in the JCL of a SYSOUT DD statement or
> specifying the DALCLOSE text unit key on a dynamic allocation (SVC99)
> parameter list for a SYSOUT data set causes JES2 to spin the data set for
> output processing when it is closed. JES2 then has the capability of
> performing output processing on the data set while the job continues
> execution. JESLOG data sets can be spun through $T J/S/T,SPIN.
> In most cases, JES2 frees spool tracks allocated to the data set after
> printing, canceling, or transmitting the last copy of the data set.
> For applications that dynamically allocate a spin SYSOUT data set
> (unallocation at Close - Key X'001C') but fail to issue FREE=CLOSE or
> SPIN=UNALLOC, JES2 does not free spool tracks allocated to the spin data
> set until the job is purged. In this case, end-of-task processing
> deallocates the data set and job purge processing returns the allocated
> tracks.
> NOTE:  There are some DD Statements that are created at job creation time
>    DDNAME   StepName ProcStep DSID
>    JESMSGLG JES2                 2
>    JESJCL   JES2                 3
>    JESYSMSG JES2                 4
> Note:  Sometimes even though you "see" output, the Spin command may
> provide the message:  $HASP138 SPIN rejected, no spinnable data set
> Hope this helps.
> Lizette
> The DD statements with DSID numbers less than 100 are special.
>     z/OS z/OS 2.2.0  z/OS JES2 z/OS JES2 Initialization and Tuning Guide
> Controlling JES2 processes  Printers and punches
>    Table 1. JES2 system data setsData Set Name  Purpose of data set
>    JESJCLIN     Indicates the actual JCL submitted.
>    JESMSGLG     Indicates any system messages for this job.
>    JESJCL       Indicates all job control statements in the input stream,
> that is, all JCL statements and JES2 control statements, plus all procedure
> statements from any in-stream or cataloged procedure a job step calls, plus
> all messages about job control statements.
>    JESYSMSG     Indicates the job's hardcopy log, which contains the JES2
> and operator messages about the job's processing: allocation of devices and
> volumes, execution and termination of job steps and the job, and
> disposition of data sets.
> You should talk to your friendly z/OS system programmer for assistance
> specific to your shop.
> Lizette
> -----Original Message-----
> >From: venkat kulkarni <venkatkulkarn...@gmail.com>
> >Sent: May 10, 2017 11:42 AM
> >Subject: Re: AW: Re: job output into dataset
> >
> >Hello Lizette,
> >
> >Couple of important points,
> >
> >1) I am still not clear that, what happens when we run spin command  $T
> >job(ims12RC1),spin,ddname=JESMSGLG . Where messages goes from DD
> >
> >In my case, when i run this command, it clear all record from DD JESMSGLG
> >but its not storing in output queue. But my requirement is that it should
> >keep those record in output queue after this spin command and from output
> >queue, we use some way to suck this output and archive it for later use.
> >
> >2) I have set my outdisp parameter to (write, write)  for this STC class
> >but still my records from this DD JESMSGLG  not coming to output queue.
> >Please help to provide some reason on this issue.
> >
> >3) When i run  $T job(ims12RC1),spin,ddname=JESMSGLG command, it start
> >processing this DD but i never get message saying successfully completed.
> I
> >waited for long but it never finish but I see my record becomes zero in
> >address space for this DD name.
> >
> >
> >I tried reading all document possible for this and couldnt find any help.
> >
> >
> >
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