On 5/12/2017 5:18 PM, Jesse 1 Robinson wrote:
It's Friday, so I can (re)tell my war story. Shortly after z/OS R13 hit our 
first prod system, I noticed one morning that the system had been IPLed around 
05:00. Everyone denied having done it. Then I discovered a fresh SAD taken 
around the same time. Sent if off to IBM. Next day or two, the same thing 
happened. The system was wait-stating after running clean out of storage 
frames! It made no sense. I posted the problem here.

Jim Mulder saw the thread and rang me up with a few questions. The failing 
system, unlike the sandbox, was being mirrored to the DR data center. All of 
it. Every single volume. Jim suspected and then confirmed that because of a 
change in R13, a failing page-in caused an I/O redrive, which lost track of the 
failing page request, which never got put back on the queue. With XRC active, 
some percentage of page-ins got tangled up with SDM I/O. More lost frames. 
Eventually MVS ran completely out of frames, and the system wait-stated. Auto 
SAD. Auto IPL. It was Development, so at 05:00, there were no user calls. Ops 
never noticed.

Jim fixed the problem immediately. I believe in auto IPL.

J.O.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
Electric Dragon Team Paddler
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
323-715-0595 Mobile
626-543-6132 Office ⇐=== NEW

Just don't forget to set MVS(LAST). The res volume you save may be your own.

Tom Conley

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