>Evidence of what Barb ? Don't hang anyone on this evidence. Anyone with
>update access to the pds can update this field..

My colleague asked me on Friday if it is possible to fake the ISPF Statistics. 
I already knew that you can write them yourself using something other than 
ISPF. So we tested how easy it would be to change them. Apparently in a former 
life my colleague was blamed for an error because his name was in that 
statistics field as the one who last changed, and he had never seen that member 
or that content before.

Last year I was asked if the powers that be can use ISPF statistics as tracking 
who had changed a source code library (on a regular basis, and please no plugs 
for source control products!). I pointed them to ISPF 3.5 then and to the fact 
that STATS OFF will delete existing statistics. Fortunately my answer 
discouraged them enough so they didn't follow this scheme any further. I 
nevertheless do have STATS ON in the global (system) ISPCCONF. Which you can 
not use by using your own, preconcatenated version.

That's what I mean by 'used as evidence'. And I wondered if it is just my 
ignorance or if there really is no way (as I suspected) to prevent unauthorized 
changing of the statistics. 

Thanks to all who answered.


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