W dniu 2017-07-27 o 23:20, Jesse 1 Robinson pisze:
A couple of assumptions. OP has only one CEC with multiple LPARs, right? IODF 
'package' just means the (linear) VSAM cluster IODFxx, right?

Not exactly.
IDOF configuration package is *subset* of whole IODF definitions. It was especially useful in the old days (before version 5 or so), when IODF datasets were approx. 20x bigger than today. For example, you have 4 machines (CPCs) and a lot of devices in single IODF. An IOCDS derived from the IODF is always "per machine". You can do similar thing with configuration package. The package can contain selected CPC definitions and selected OS config definitions.

IMHO this facility is not popular.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


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