On Fri, 22 Sep 2017 15:38:33 -0500, John McKown <john.archie.mck...@gmail.com> 

>Could someone tell me of some of the "real life" uses of this capability?
>Why can't I just do a DYNALLOC on the libraries, OPEN them, then
>LINKX/ATTACHX DCB= whatever it is I need? The only thing that I can think
>of where this would be a problem is if the code doing so is APF authorized
>and the program to be run is in a nonAPF library.

Yes, you as a programmer could do that.

However, consider a TSO user who wants to run a TSO command from READY, which 
is comprised of multiple load modules, and which lives in a library that is 
neither in the linklist nor in the STEPLIB for the user's TSO logon proc.

How does he do that, given that he cannot change the logon proc?

(Note that if the module were a "normal" program rather than a TSO command he 
could use the CALL command, but that won't work for TSO commands. Note, too, 
that if he wanted to run it under ISPF he could use ISPF facilities to handle 
it. But he can't run it from READY without some kind of dynamic STEPLIB or 
tasklib capability.)


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