Agreed, that would be great. I've had a crack at porting ooRexx but the integration into TSO/ISPF was a major issue. Getting it to work outside of the z/OS UNIX file system is challenging as it doesn't use fopen(). It also uses threads which may interesting when running in TSO and especially ISPF environments. I put it in the too hard basket. Getting Lua to load scripts and modules from MVS data sets was trivial. All I had to do was patch the loader with //DD:LUA(%s) in the chain and fopen() did the rest. There were other benefits to switching languages such as modern features like duck typing, co-routines, closures, functions as first class objects etc, etc not to mention execution speed.

On 27/10/2017 2:51 PM, Martin Packer wrote:
I’ve always said that what we need on TSO is Open ObjectREXX - but with the 
strong proviso it can be used as a drop-in for traditional REXX. That means:

1) It can script commands.

2) Things that invoke the REXX interpreter can invoke it in the same way.

Note: I’m not sure NetRexx is actually required.

Cheers, Martin

Sent from my iPad

On 27 Oct 2017, at 07:48, Timothy Sipples <> wrote:

Peter Farley wrote:
IMHO it isn't "... consuming non-trivial peak resources running their REXX
scripts in TSO/ISPF" that is the issue for alternatives like Netrexx.
OK, then what *is* the requirement?

It is the ability to use TSO facilities (like EXECIO, LISTDSI, etc.) and
utilities like the LMMxxxx routines and other "command" environments that
the issue.
Yes, and we have REXX for that, interpreted and compiled, and it's lovely
or at least lovable. There's even some REXX support in IBM Developer for Z,
as a notable example. Where's the unmet need, the gap?

Did we somehow arrive at a generalized requirement to be able to access
particular TSO/ISPF features from *other* programming languages that are
not REXX, in a discussion about JITs, because of the functional utility
some z/OS system programmers desire to use other programming languages
besides REXX for scripts in TSO/ISPF?

OK, if I've understood so far, which other programming language(s)? Python,
Perl, Java, JavaScript, something else?

I'm just asking the "Why?" questions, that's all. Not opposed! I'm
intrigued, actually, which is why I'm asking.

Timothy Sipples
IT Architect Executive, Industry Solutions, IBM z Systems, AP/GCG/MEA

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