On 28/10/2017 12:02 AM, John McKown wrote:
On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 10:43 AM, Rob Schramm <rob.schr...@gmail.com> wrote:

Has anyone looked or asked the NetRexx guys if there is a way to use TSO
type of commands in NetRexx?

​I can't see any way to run a TSO command using NetRexx. But, in a more
general sense, I don't see any way to run a TSO command from a Java
program. NetRexx, being a JVM based language, can do anything that Java can
do. In particular, a NetRexx program can use JCICS and so be used to write
CICS programs. Or it can use JZOS / JRIO to do "batch" type work. But I
don't see any Java library to invoke a TSO command. ​

And as Martin pointed out to do so would require JNI which would burn CPU cycles and be pointless. Crossing a JNI boundary is expensive.

Rob Schramm

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