> On Oct 27, 2017, at 8:54 AM, Walt Farrell <walt.farr...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:walt.farr...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Oct 2017 07:39:00 +0000, Baguley, Nicholas: Absa 
> <nicholas.bagu...@absa.co.za <mailto:nicholas.bagu...@absa.co.za>> wrote:
>> When you use PARM andonot SYSTSIN it doesn’t seem to ECHO input/command. I 
>> tried it before posting so as not to incur wrath of LIST
> After John also confirmed that, I thought some more and realized that it 
> probably works that way so that a TSO logon proc can invoke some 
> "pre-processing" CLIST or REXX exec to perform setup, without the setup 
> command echoing to the user's screen.
I did not see John’s Email. AFAIK there has *NEVER* been any such option. Every 
command that I have ever issued in TSO was echoed back to me, whether it was 
from a real TSO session to batch processing. Many a time I had to correct a 
parm or option and I just moved the cursor up to the command and corrected the 
error and hit enter again. That would reissue the command. This goes back to 
try very beginning os TSO and that was in the mid 70’s(and we were using TCAM - 
bur VTAM since then). The only thing I can think of that would make a 
difference was a TSO package, however, several times I was at IBM either as a 
student or in a class and the command always echoed back to me. In fact I was 
signed on through the Chicago IBM office one time to a IBM place on the west 
coast (sorry its been eons and do not remember where) and it worked as it had 
everywhere else.
So I am not understanding what John said.

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