On 5/1/2018 9:51 AM, Sankaranarayanan, Vignesh wrote:

So will a ZONEEDIT be all, or are there other things to be mindful of?

ZONEEDIT is all you need to update the data set names in the DDDEF entries for the target and dlib data sets. However, is this product installed in its own target and dlib zones? Are those zones in their own CSI data sets? If you'll be renaming the CSI data sets too, then you'll need to update the ZONEINDEX subentries in the global zone, like this:

DEL GZONE ZONEINDEX((tgtzonename)).
ADD GZONE ZONEINDEX((tgtzonename,WHYNOT.dataset.name.CSI,TARGET)).
DEL GZONE ZONEINDEX((dlibzonename)).
ADD GZONE ZONEINDEX((dlibzonename,WHYNOT.dataset.name.CSI,DLIB)).

Kurt Quackenbush -- IBM, SMP/E Development

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