On Mon, 7 May 2018 11:02:28 -0400, Don Poitras <sas...@sas.com> wrote:

>> All references to "L" to load an address need
>> to be changed to "LG".
>Not necessarily. When we implemented large heap support for SAS/C, we
>used a scheme where we could avoid re-writing large parts of the
>assembler source by limitting ourselves to 2G "Continents" (a term I
>coined). By calling IARV64 and requesting 4G, we are guaranteed that
>at least 2G can be addressed via L and ST and so on in AMODE64 as long
>as the high half of the 64-bit register has been set.

That's a good idea, and we could get a compiler
to generate such code, but it prevents the
32-bit application from being moved to cheaper
32-bit hardware in the future, as a possibility.

BFN. Paul.

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