- What is the proper return from an XMPOST ERRET routine? BR 14? I don't 
anything in the docs.
You're really asking that? Yes, BR 14 or, I suppose, "return to the 
address provided in register 14 by whatever mechanism you have chosen to 
do that".

- Would an XMPOST LINKAGE=BRANCH ERRET routine get passed the ABEND code?
The register (and environmental) information shown for "When 
LINKAGE=SYSTEM is specified" apply also to "When LINKAGE=SYSTEM is not 

Specifically to your question, register 3 which will contain " system 
completion code that indicates why the POST request failed"

I have asked that this doc be corrected to show that the register and 
environmental info applies to both cases.

Peter Relson
z/OS Core Technology Design

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