Ron Hawkins wrote:
>Your statement " VOS3 does not run on today's IBM Z
>machines" appears to be at odds with the 2017 IBM

It is not at odds. It's perfectly consistent with the joint announcement.

Hitachi's VOS3/XS runs on Hitachi's AP10000 machines, not on IBM Z
machines. IBM is Hitachi's systems partner, and Hitachi's AP10000 machines
are based on IBM Z technologies, but they are not IBM Z machines. They are
IBM Z technology-based machines. The AP10000 and IBM z14 ZR1 are close
cousins, yes, but there are differences.

In contrast, historically, yes, VOS3/LS ran on select prior, now
discontinued IBM Z models that were equipped with an adaptation. That was
quite a while ago; my recollection is that the IBM z9BC was the last IBM
machine model able to run Hitachi's VOS3 operating system. I could be off
by one model generation, though.

Timothy Sipples
IT Architect Executive, Industry Solutions, IBM Z & LinuxONE

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