This particular box has just a single CP, no specialty processors, 3 LPARs, one 
of them production, one application programmer test, and the other a sandbox 
that is extremely low use and in any case shares only the res volume.

They "need" to run GRS because it's not really safe to run without it 
(especially since there is nothing to keep a lockout from occurring but to be 
careful), but they can't afford to add a specialty processor, at least not at 
this time.  

I'm trying to find out if they can install the microcode CF and assuming that 
the CPU use for the CF is now "low" if they could use it for DASD sharing only. 
 There is no real data sharing involved (no DB2, no CICS).  So we are just 
talking about GRS shipping the ENQs around.

Has anyone tried this yet?


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