A few more ideas:

1. IBM provides a little bit of free "hands on" access to CICS and IMS
through the IBM Z Trials Program, available here:


These hands on exercises are for specific functional areas of the two

2. If you are a qualified student then you can sign up for the free Master
the Mainframe Learning System. The Learning System is kept online almost
year round, and I believe it offers CICS and IMS installations for
self-study exploration. Students can also optionally compete in the Master
the Mainframe Contest which uses the same system.


3. Education is one of the authorized uses in the IBM Z Development and
Test Environment's license, so that's another choice -- get a proper IBM Z
DTE license (or licenses) then self-study in groups or individually.


4. Have you checked the IBM Training Web site? There are plenty of course
listings, including upcoming classroom courses in several countries. Here's
the main landing page:


Timothy Sipples
IT Architect Executive, Industry Solutions, IBM Z & LinuxONE

E-Mail: sipp...@sg.ibm.com

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