saurabh khandelwal wrote:
>We tried talking to IBM local representative in our region for these
>training course but they don't have any training schedule and they still
>trying to find the same.
>If any one of us can provide more detail about schedule training for (CICS
>& IMS admin) will be highly appreciated.

Did you look at the online and instructor-led courses that are listed,
along with cities and dates, at the Web site I provided? All that
information is available online, and it's quite detailed. If a particular
class or provider is not proceeding with a course, then just go to the next
most convenient on the list. Here are the steps to find this information:

1. Go to

2. Click on "Find Learning."

3. In the search box type in your search term, for example:

CICS administration

and press Enter.

4. You'll see a list of course codes and titles. You can filter this list
in various ways by clicking on the checkboxes, for example the
"Instructor-led" checkbox if you want a formal class. Course code WM816G is
one of the CICS administration courses, for example. Let's look at that, so
click on that course (on the title).

5. In the page that appears, scroll down to see the list of upcoming
sessions. For example, there's an online/virtual edition of that course
beginning on March 25, 2019, which you can take from practically anywhere.
Click on the Start Date header to sort by date. I see (for example) a
classroom/in-person edition of that course also beginning on March 25,
2019, in Bangalore, India. For any course offering you're interested in
attending, click on the plus symbol (green circle), and you should see an
Enroll link. Click on that link. Let me try that now for the WM816G course
starting on March 25, 2019, in Bangalore....

6. Yes, that takes me to another IBM page with a referral link, and then
when I click on that link I'm directed to the course provider's Web site
with details on the specific class offering, class fee information, and
their contact details for enrollment. It all works.

If you're still having trouble, please post a follow-up, but you received
lots of excellent pointers already, including this one. I hope it helps.

Timothy Sipples
IT Architect Executive, Industry Solutions, IBM Z & LinuxONE


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