Sue - long story, sorry:

In the 90's we had a web server running (where else?) on MVS with web pages designed for application programmers and others who needed information about various local things - from RACF to TMS to how to get your TSO id cancelled. I created the main web page format and style, headings, navigation bar, etc., and yeah, I'm not a real artist. Other contributors had their own styles. Around that time, the company had created their own "Intranet" web site, professionally designed, and someone decided to make a link from the company site to our little mainframe web site. Cool, I thought at first, but I was wrong. There was trouble brewing.

Next thing I knew, company Intranet managers were telling me I had to change the format of all our web pages to match the company web site style. WHY? I asked - our users care about the content, not the format. In fact, since people are USED TO the old format, any changes would make things more difficult for them. I was pressured, so I lied and told them I was working on it. In addition, they wanted to add our mainframe doc to their main Intranet search facility, under the idea that a user should be able to find everything from one place.

Both of those ideas are silly. When you search for how to order a box of printer paper, you don't want mainframe results popping up. The whole idea of web pages is that you drill down. You go to a mainframe site knowing (partly by the fact that the pages look different than where you came from) that you are in the mainframe realm. And you get used to the format and are surprised if it suddenly changes to look like some other area that has nothing to do with mainframes.

So these are some of the things I felt when I opened one of the newly formatted pdf manuals just now.

On 2/27/2019 7:00 PM, Susan Shumway wrote:
Hi all,

I want to make you aware that every PDF in the z/OS V2.3 library was just 
refreshed to update the visual style and link coding. Because of the link 
coding changes, clicking on a link in an old-style PDF to a new style PDF will 
not work, and vice versa. So, to ensure that all cross-book links continue to 
work for you, ensure that you download the entire fresh set of library PDFs 
as soon as you get the chance.

-Sue Shumway

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