On Wed, 6 Mar 2019 19:29:05 +0200, Steff Gladstone <steff.gladst...@gmail.com> 

>One further question:
>Would use of IKJEFTSI/IKJEFTSR/IKJEFTST  work here?  I.e., provide an
>isolated eenvironment for RACF while maintaining continuity within the I/O
>routine without re-initializing its working storage on each call?

No. Your only good approach for doing this under TSO/E, if you're having 
problems with a dirty environment, is to TSOEXEC CALL your COBOL program, and 
have it run entirely isolated in the parallel TMP. You will, though, still need 
to make sure you have a properly constructed PROGRAM ** profile to ensure that 
the parallel TMP stays clean.

Of course, a multiple address space environment, perhaps one created using the 
UNIX System Services fork() operation could also work. That's one variation of 
the approach that Shmuel suggested.


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