[Default] On 3 Jun 2019 09:41:54 -0700, in bit.listserv.ibm-main
sme...@gmu.edu (Seymour J Metz) wrote:

>This whole thread has consistently confused several very different issues:

I agree and have questions in each of the areas.
> 1. How secure is z/OS itself?

I recall reading that Multics was more secure than the concurrent MVS
was at the time and wonder if that would have been a better base going
forward.  Does the design of z/OS and the tools for implementation
make it more difficult to create and maintain a secure system?  How
secure are VM and TPF relative to z/OS? Does anyone have a feel for
how secure and securable the Unisys and any other mainframe operating
systems are relative to z/OS?
> 2. How secure is 3rd party software?

30 years ago people were complain about some of the holes in CA
software.  While much has changed and I assume those holes were
plugged long ago, the question remains as to how we evaluate 3rd party
software that by its nature has to have system hooks and run APF
authorized and / or key zero (system monitors, tape management
systems, etc.)?  Could and should changes to z/OS be made that would
allow some of this software run unauthorized and key 8? How much
vulnerability do we introduce by having such things as monitors,
report management systems, etc?  How much security and vulnerability
is at the application level where it is the application that has to
determine whether access is authorized (online banking anyone)?    
> 3. How secure is the typical shop running z/OS?

Given the need to consider security at not only the operating system
level but also the application level and the number of things that
have to be controlled, I suspect that most organizations are less
secure than they think they are.  The problem starts with keeping the
authorities that people have current as they change roles in an
organization and leave that organization.  Are the test system as
secure as the production systems?  Have all of the people involved
including operators, people doing report distribution, application
developers and maintainers etc. been properly vetted?  How do we
monitor to make sure people haveen't been compromised?  The list goes

Clark Morris  

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