My boss wants something is doable.

He wants:
"I want a notification if there is a 'white message' that has stayed on the console longer than 5 minutes."

We had a problem where an unresolved outstanding message was on the console for a bit because the operator was occupied elsewhere. So, he wants to know if something has not been corrected within a reasonable time frame.

We don't use a third-party console product because we are currently happy with sysrexx as our console automation tool.

I am not sure were to start with this. Since it has to handle any outstanding message, it can't be driven by message number (like most sysrexx stuff) so I need to drive it based on the WTO descriptor code, but I don't know if that is possible with SysRexx.

And, then I somehow need to intercept the "un-stick" DOM macro call.

Tony Thigpen

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