I'm sure many on this list will know the answer to this,
and I've been reading various manuals trying to find it...

But - if a primary task issues an ESPIE SET to establish
a ESPIE exit on a particular event, does that ESPIE exit
get control if an ATTACH'd sub-task triggers the event?

In my casual testing it didn't seem to (the attached sub-tasks
were actually BPX pthread_create'd tasks, if that matters.)

That is - if my initial task issues an ESPIE, does that ESPIE
"cover" my sub-tasks as well, or would each sub-task need
its own ESPIE.

What seems to be happening is that some bad memory is
referenced in my sub-task, but my ESPIE exit (in the parent
task)  is not being driven...

     - Thanks -
   -  Dave Rivers -

riv...@dignus.com                        Work: (919) 676-0847
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