I seem to recall that NetRexx would run on CMS, back before I retired. That would require a compiler and JVM, yes?


Alan Ackerman wrote:
Maybe. There was discussion at the time that CMS Java needed a JIT (Just In Time) compiler and did not have one. Even with much faster mainframes, I think this would be a problem. If anyone has time and resources to test this, I'd love to hear how it works out. I 'm not doing CMS performance any more, alas.

Alan Ackerman

On Mon, 27 Sep 2010 19:08:05 -0700, Barton Robinson <bar...@vm1.velocity-
Software.com> wrote:

I think the "cms java performed very poorly" could be revisited.  back
then, the mainframe was at most 400Mhz? or less? of course it performed
poorly.  so now the processors have caught up and surpassed and are
about an order of magnitude faster.  This had nothing to do with
software, this was a hardware problem that was very poorly understood.
As i've said before, way back then we thought the mainframe was big and
fast, and we were half right.

Alan Ackerman wrote:

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