> Every horse is so different, some things work on some but not on
> others.  But I feel like your horse is trying to see if he can get 
> of the ride by acting up, in the same spot every time.  Is there 
> way to avoid this spot?  

Hi Janice,

Thank you.  I'll try to think of other ways to go.  This spot is 
esentially in the middle of all the trails I know out there. Maybe 
it is time I learn a new trail or a back way.  I'm not one to go off 
the beaten track if I've never been there and am nervious when I go 
somewhere new.  I am very much like a horse so I think like one too 

I will try the treat every time he goes by it and does what he is 
supposed to.  He does try to see what he can get away with.  He is a 
naughty little boy and seems to enjoy trying to outsmart me.  He was 
bucking every time I asked for a canter.  Finally, after trying it 
twice in the arena last night, he stopped.  Guess he realized it is 
futile.  Keep the suggestions coming.  I really do appreciate them.  

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